日本麻酔科学会 70周年記念誌

 最後に日本の麻酔科学研究力再興と研究不正防止は、両輪で取り組むべき課題であることをJSA会員は理解し、明るい未来のためにJSA会員全員が共通の認識をもって邁進する必要がある。文 献[1] Hirota K. Has anesthesia research activity in Japan successfully recovered? J Anesth 2020; 34: 639-641.[2] Saito J, Hirota K, Mazda Y, Aoyama K, Suehiro K, Amaya F, Morita K, Takeda J. Fixing the anesthesia research crisis in Japan. J Anesth 2024; 38: 254-260.[3] Hirota K. Anesthesia research in Japan: seeds of recovery and the role of the Journal of Anesthesia. J Anesth 2017; 31: 803-805.[4] Pashkova AA, Svider PF, Chang CY, Diaz L, Eloy JA, Eloy JD. Gender disparity among US anaesthesiologists: are women underrepresented in academic ranks and scholarly productivity? Acta Anaesthesiol Scand 2013; 57: 1058-64.[5] 前野隆司.幸せの4つの因子.前野隆司著.幸せのメカニズム-実践・幸福学入門.東京: 講談社;2013. p95-206.[6] 廣田和美.麻酔科学関連研究を推進するための秘策はあるか? 麻酔2015;64 (増刊):S113-S119.[7] Kupferschmidt K. Tide of lies. Science 2018; 361: 636-41.[8] Nair S, Yean C, Yoo J, Leff J, Delphin E, Adams DC. Reasons for article retraction in anesthesiology: a comprehensive analysis. Can J Anaesth 2020; 67: 57-63.[9] Oransky I. Volunteer watchdogs pushed a small country up the rankings. Science 2018; 362: 395.[10] Baker M. 1,500 scientists lift the lid on reproducibility. Nature 2016; 533: 452-4.96

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