

Welcome to our official journals! – Journal of Anesthesia/JA Clinical Reports Journal of Anesthesia

Journal of Anesthesia

The Journal of Anesthesia (JA) is the official journal of the Japanese Society of Anesthesiologists (JSA). This journal publishes original articles, article reviews, special articles, clinical reports, short communications, letters to the editor, and book and multimedia reviews. The editors welcome the submission of manuscripts devoted to anesthesia and related topics from any country of the world. Membership in the Society is not a prerequisite.

JA was first published in 1987. It has been carried in Medline and Web of Science since 2003 and 2007, respectively. It also has an Impact Factor (IF) of 1.454 as of 2017.

The Journal of Anesthesia (JA) welcomes case reports that show unique cases in perioperative medicine, intensive care, emergency medicine, and pain management. However, JA rarely accepts case reports for publication; the acceptance rate for these may be less than 5%. Please note that case reports should present important educational issues for JA readers. Even if a case is clinically challenging, it will not be publishable in JA if it does not contain any novel learning points. Therefore, please consider that most case reports JA receives will be recommended for transfer to JA Clinical Reports.

JA Clinical Reports

The JSA launched “JA Clinical Reports” to increase the opportunity, particularly for junior anesthetists, to write scientific papers in English in areas relevant to their daily clinical practice, effectively returning to the research ethos to medicine. In addition, the JSA has established the Research Promotion Committee to offer financial support for anesthesia research in Japan.

JA Clinical Reports is a companion journal to the Journal of Anesthesia (JA), the official journal of the JSA. This journal is an open access, peer-reviewed, online journal related to clinical anesthesia practices such as anesthesia management, pain management and intensive care.

The aim of JA Clinical Reports is to offer a publication in which members of the JSA can share their experiences with everyday cases and simple clinical studies with readers, thus helping to raise the standard of clinical anesthesiology. Of course, the overall purpose is for patients to enjoy these benefits, but a further goal is to encourage JSA members and anesthesiologists throughout the world, particularly young anesthesiologists, to submit papers in English. Although JA avoids publishing large numbers of case reports with low citation rates in order to improve its impact factor, this does not diminish the value of such reports.

In addition to publishing a journal that will be clinically useful, we look forward to receiving a constant stream of submissions from young anesthesiologists, describing their experience and participation in the care of important clinical cases. We also want to challenge young anesthesiologists to write up and submit interesting cases in English, and hope that senior doctors will give them this opportunity.